Faire un don



Chez Lyly Resto will be the first restaurant in Sherbrooke to offer the public a Caribbean menu. Including a fast food section with healthy and nutritious foods. Located in the heart of downtown, Chez Lyly Resto will offer advantages to the population of Sherbrooke in different aspects of its activities. Alongside the offer of a balanced menu, customers will also have a right to dishes prepared according to house processes.

Among the services we want to offer, there will be among others:
✓ On site
✓ To take away
✓ Delivery
✓ Catering

We also want to offer a special offer to schools, especially to students from Center Saint Michel, which is 2 minutes from our place. Special offer every Monday for all people aged 65 and over. This consideration will also be made for low-income families, single-parent families or families in difficult circumstances.

Special service for primary schools; food will be delivered to them for the benefit of their upbred.